I have been using templates and status’ to within an inch of their life with success however with the changing lender policies and differences becoming far and wide with lenders I am hoping the team can look into DEAL INDICATIORS.
The indicators are a simple checklist that when checked you have a task that can be linked to the indicator rather than a stock standard one size fits all template with a lot of wording eg “if CBA do this “ etc.
Broker Engine has these set up and speaking to other brokers this has been a major reason a lot of them have ceased using aggregator software (as they work so well).
I have attached an example to show the different indicators however I think this would be a game changer for Mercury if completed well.
Simple things like:
• Indicator checked if a first homebuyer triggers task for FHOG
• Refinance triggers discharge authority Task
• Deposit bond guarantee
• Land with no titles
• Pricing Requests
• Construction loan
• House and land package type
• Specific Lender requires FHOG form to be sent to different address
• Digital mortgage not needing to be returned for certain banks
• Loan docs needing to be emailed certain banks
The business could then set up the tasks to be triggered if any of the indicators are present so it would only require connective to set the indicators in Mercury and enable tasks to be assigned and triggered when an indicator is present.