Dominic Amor
“Update Status” of Opportunity – currently you can’t back date this status change, its set to todays date and you can change this. Which means that if I have a settlement occur today, but I don’t update the status until tomorrow, then the date will be wrong because it will show up tomorrow’s date. This doesn’t seem like a huge issue, except for reporting if that extra day or so moves the settlement in to a different month. In Mercury 5 we can set the date that the want the status to be effective from and we need the new Mercury to do the same.
Living Expenses: Living Expenses for existing opportunities that were entered in Mercury 5, they don’t appear to me showing in the new Mercury. In Mercury 5 the living expenses are under the person where as in the new Mercury they’re under the opportunity. Below is a screen shot showing the living expenses are entered in M5 but not the new version
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Glenn Lees
Glenn Lees
under review
Glenn Lees
Dominic Amor are you referring to the loan history tab where you can change the date of the status change?
this works in M5, but it looks like its not working in the new Mercury CRM app.
Dominic Amor
Glenn Lees: Yes, brokers have said they need to be able to change the date when they update a status as the event, ie Settled may have happened earlier. At present it defaults to today and does not allow a broker to change the status date.